Photographer: Not known. K64 slide scan. Delivered 1974 as DM-SCS to East German Air Force in Interflug colours, transferred to Interflug 1979, reregistered DDR-SCS 1981, reregistered D-AOBG 1990. Komiavia CCCP-65614 1991, reregistered RA-65614 1992, leased to Harco Air October 1992, returned November 1993. Aviaprima in Aeroflot colours 1994, Alaniya 1999, Tyumen Avia Trans 2002, UTAir 2003, UTAir Express 2010. Withdrawn Syktykar by 2012, scrapped 2014.
This photo was added on 20 June 2024, and has since been viewed 112 times.