First flight July 14th 1993 as D-CITA. October 21st 1993 HB-AEE Air Engiadina. October 1999 KLM Alps. March 28th 2001 Swisswings and May 12th 2004 HB-AEE for Lions Air. Ocotber 17th 2005 TF-CSC, leased an op in ex Lions Air colours. February 5th 2008 D-CIRI Cirrus Airlines. April 2012 MHS Aviation, opf Sun Air of Scandinavia. October 2014 Rhein-Neckar Air. March 2015 returned to MHS April 12th 2015. D-CIRI Sun Air (leased and op in fuill BA colours). Decemaber 2016 wfu and stord at Saarbrucken. This was their 3rd of 4 Do328 and my final shot of the ariline before closing ops in January 2008