Aircraft Photo of VH-PHB | Eurocopter AS-350B-2 Ecureuil | New South Wales Police Service | #737893
Registration / Serial:VH-PHB
Fleet number:POLAIR 3
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale AS-350 Ecureuil
Aircraft Generic Type:Eurocopter AS-350/550 Ecureuil/AStar/Fennec
Aircraft Version:Eurocopter AS-350B-2 Ecureuil
C/n (msn):2984
Operator Titles:New South Wales Police Service
City / Area:Sydney [ Off-Airport ]Map (vicinity)
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:14 August 2016
Photo by:Jonathan Verschuuren
Photo ID: 737893
Photo Comment

This Ecureuil operated with the NSW Police from 1997 until 2021. It is seen here overhead a large crowd during an event in Bondi. The presence of a heavily armed police officer in the open door shows that the terrorist threat was high at that time.

This photo is copyright © Jonathan Verschuuren, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.

It was added on 16 October 2024, and has since been viewed 28 times.

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