Aircraft Photo of NC1102 / 1102 | Ford 4-AT-A Tri-Motor | Maddux Air Lines | #761973
City / Airport:San Diego - Speer
Region / Country:California, United States
Airport Codes:None
Photo Date:July 1927 to December 1927
Photo Photo Archive
Photo ID: 761973
Photo Comment

This early Tri-Motor was the first plane of Maddux Air Lines, bought by Jack Maddux in July 1927. On other photos taken here at Dutch Flats, or Ryan Field, it still wears its initial registration NC3114, so perhaps changes were made here. By 1928, it reportedly wore fleet number 1 on the fuselage. This is the same Tri-Motor that was put on display in Pennsylvania Station in New York City in 1931. It was later sold or given to Henry Ford for his museum, but somehow it has not survived. Photo from: San Diego Air & Space Museum

This photo was added on 25 December 2024, and has since been viewed 143 times.

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