Aircraft Photo of 574/18 | AEG G.IV | Germany - Air Force | #772780
City / Airport:TrentonMap
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Airport Codes:ICAO: CYTR   IATA: YTR   Local: -   Other: -
Collection:National Aeronautical Collection
Photo Date:1969
Photo from:Gordon Riley Collection
Photo ID: 772780
Photo Comment

The only surviving multi-engine German aircraft from the First World War. It was shipped to Canada as a war trophy in 1919; over the next forty years its movements were not well documented and its two 260 hp Mercedes engines were lost. The aircraft was stored in a warehouse operated by the Canadian War Museum in the 1950s. Between 1968 and 1969, it was restored by No. 6 Repair Depot, RCAF, at Trenton, and its original engines were replaced with 160 hp Mercedes engines. It was transferred to the Museum in 1970.

This photo was added on 27 January 2025, and has since been viewed 102 times.

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