2 results found
City / Airport:Goolwa (YGWA)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Auster Rally 2008
Photo Date:25 October 2008
Photo by:Andrei BezmylovContact
Photo ID:82762Submit Correction
View count: 319
Visiting at the 2008 Auster Rally
Registration / Serial:19-3164
Aircraft Version:Luton LA-4 Minor
C/n (msn):V85
City / Airport:Goolwa (YGWA)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:25 October 2008
Photo by:Andrei BezmylovContact
City / Airport:Goolwa (YGWA)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Event:Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Auster Rally 2008
Photo Date:25 October 2008
Photo by:Andrei BezmylovContact
Photo ID:82762Submit Correction
View count: 319
Visiting at the 2008 Auster Rally
Registration / Serial:19-3164
Aircraft Version:Luton LA-4 Minor
C/n (msn):V85
City / Airport:Goolwa (YGWA)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:25 October 2008
Photo by:Andrei BezmylovContact
City / Airport:Langwell StationMap
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:4 October 2009
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:42578Submit Correction
View count: 155
This aircraft is the former VH-HEP, built by Ron Robertson of Mildura in the 1980s. It was transferred to the RAAus Register on 16 May 2001. Its current owner flew it the 360 miles from Nelson (near Mount Gambier) to Broken Hill for the AAAA Auster Rally, then home again. Two hours safe endurance at about 50 kt meant a lot of stops along the way, including a night with its builder.
Registration / Serial:19-3164
Aircraft Version:Luton LA-4A Minor
C/n (msn):V85
City / Airport:Langwell StationMap
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:4 October 2009
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
City / Airport:Langwell StationMap
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:4 October 2009
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:42578Submit Correction
View count: 155
This aircraft is the former VH-HEP, built by Ron Robertson of Mildura in the 1980s. It was transferred to the RAAus Register on 16 May 2001. Its current owner flew it the 360 miles from Nelson (near Mount Gambier) to Broken Hill for the AAAA Auster Rally, then home again. Two hours safe endurance at about 50 kt meant a lot of stops along the way, including a night with its builder.
Registration / Serial:19-3164
Aircraft Version:Luton LA-4A Minor
C/n (msn):V85
City / Airport:Langwell StationMap
Region / Country:New South Wales, Australia
Photo Date:4 October 2009
Photo by:Phil VabreContact