Registration / Serial:C-GSLG
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale AS-350 Ecureuil
Aircraft Generic Type:Aerospatiale AS-350/550 Ecureuil/AStar/Fennec
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale AS-350D AStar Mk3
C/n (msn):1323
Operator Titles:Sealand Helicopters
City / Airport:Terrace - Northwest Regional (CYXT / YXT)Map
Region / Country:British Columbia, Canada
Photo Date:July 1982
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
Photo ID:368493Submit Correction
View count: 381
This Astar was with Sealand Helicopters from 1981 until it was wrecked when it crashed into trees during an engine test at Goose Bay/NL on 31 October 1983. Deleted from the Canadian register in July 1988. Based in St. John's, Newfoundland , Sealand was a rare sight in British Columbia at this time. With other investors, Sealand's owner Craig Dobbin would form Canadian Holding Company and buy Okanagan Helicopters, Viking Helicopters and Toronto Helicopters in 1987 and merge them with Sealand to form CHC Helicopters.
Registration / Serial:C-GSLG
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale AS-350D AStar Mk3
C/n (msn):1323
Operator Titles:Sealand Helicopters
City / Airport:Terrace - Northwest Regional (CYXT / YXT)Map
Region / Country:British Columbia, Canada
Photo Date:July 1982
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
Registration / Serial:C-GSLG
Aircraft Original Type:Aerospatiale AS-350 Ecureuil
Aircraft Generic Type:Aerospatiale AS-350/550 Ecureuil/AStar/Fennec
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale AS-350D AStar Mk3
C/n (msn):1323
Operator Titles:Sealand Helicopters
City / Airport:Terrace - Northwest Regional (CYXT / YXT)Map
Region / Country:British Columbia, Canada
Photo Date:July 1982
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
Photo ID:368493Submit Correction
View count: 381
This Astar was with Sealand Helicopters from 1981 until it was wrecked when it crashed into trees during an engine test at Goose Bay/NL on 31 October 1983. Deleted from the Canadian register in July 1988. Based in St. John's, Newfoundland , Sealand was a rare sight in British Columbia at this time. With other investors, Sealand's owner Craig Dobbin would form Canadian Holding Company and buy Okanagan Helicopters, Viking Helicopters and Toronto Helicopters in 1987 and merge them with Sealand to form CHC Helicopters.
Registration / Serial:C-GSLG
Aircraft Version:Aerospatiale AS-350D AStar Mk3
C/n (msn):1323
Operator Titles:Sealand Helicopters
City / Airport:Terrace - Northwest Regional (CYXT / YXT)Map
Region / Country:British Columbia, Canada
Photo Date:July 1982
Photo by:Gary VincentContact