City / Airport:Hamilton - John C Munro (CYHM / YHM)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:October 1991
Photo by:Michael Roeser
Photo ID:523017Submit Correction
View count: 262
K25 slide scan. Remanufactured by Beech 1952 from msn 5635 43-33362 and redelivered to USAF as 51-1472. Retired to MASDC 1959. Civilianized as C-45H N9576Z 1962. N602DM 1984, painted into USN colours. Cancelled from USCAR 1986, reinstated 1992. N181MH 1995, N18D 2021.
Registration / Serial:N602DM
Alternate Serial:51-11472
Aircraft Version:Beech C-45H Expeditor
C/n (msn):AF-29
Display Paint:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Hamilton - John C Munro (CYHM / YHM)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:October 1991
Photo by:Michael Roeser
City / Airport:Hamilton - John C Munro (CYHM / YHM)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:October 1991
Photo by:Michael Roeser
Photo ID:523017Submit Correction
View count: 262
K25 slide scan. Remanufactured by Beech 1952 from msn 5635 43-33362 and redelivered to USAF as 51-1472. Retired to MASDC 1959. Civilianized as C-45H N9576Z 1962. N602DM 1984, painted into USN colours. Cancelled from USCAR 1986, reinstated 1992. N181MH 1995, N18D 2021.
Registration / Serial:N602DM
Alternate Serial:51-11472
Aircraft Version:Beech C-45H Expeditor
C/n (msn):AF-29
Display Paint:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Hamilton - John C Munro (CYHM / YHM)Map
Region / Country:Ontario, Canada
Photo Date:October 1991
Photo by:Michael Roeser