City / Airport:Kyneton (YKTN)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:22 May 2010
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:38161Submit Correction
View count: 298
This interesting T-18 Tiger was built in the USA in 1979 by Darrell Davis and registered N98BJ, as you can see by the marking on the fin. Exported to Australia, it was registered VH-WSJ(3) on 3 September 2009. Seen here off on a local flight at an 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' charity fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-WSJ
Aircraft Version:Thorp T-18 Tiger
C/n (msn):958
City / Airport:Kyneton (YKTN)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:22 May 2010
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
City / Airport:Kyneton (YKTN)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:22 May 2010
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:38161Submit Correction
View count: 298
This interesting T-18 Tiger was built in the USA in 1979 by Darrell Davis and registered N98BJ, as you can see by the marking on the fin. Exported to Australia, it was registered VH-WSJ(3) on 3 September 2009. Seen here off on a local flight at an 'Australia's Biggest Morning Tea' charity fly-in.
Registration / Serial:VH-WSJ
Aircraft Version:Thorp T-18 Tiger
C/n (msn):958
City / Airport:Kyneton (YKTN)Map
Region / Country:Victoria, Australia
Photo Date:22 May 2010
Photo by:Phil VabreContact