2 results found
City / Airport:Edinburgh (YPED)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:721698Submit Correction
View count: 236
XA897 crashed after a very heavy landing in bad weather at Heathrow on October 1, 1956. It had undertaken a flight to Australia and New Zealand. The crash was controversial because AVM Harry Broadhurst, who was onboard, overruled orders to divert. Broadhurst and the pilot ejected from the crippled jet leaving the rest of the crew to perish. Photo from: National Archives of Australia
Registration / Serial:XA897
Aircraft Version:Avro 698 Vulcan B.1
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Edinburgh (YPED)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Edinburgh (YPED)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:721698Submit Correction
View count: 236
XA897 crashed after a very heavy landing in bad weather at Heathrow on October 1, 1956. It had undertaken a flight to Australia and New Zealand. The crash was controversial because AVM Harry Broadhurst, who was onboard, overruled orders to divert. Broadhurst and the pilot ejected from the crippled jet leaving the rest of the crew to perish. Photo from: National Archives of Australia
Registration / Serial:XA897
Aircraft Version:Avro 698 Vulcan B.1
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Edinburgh (YPED)Map
Region / Country:South Australia, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Darwin (YPDN / DRW)Map
Region / Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:604699Submit Correction
View count: 602
XA897 crashed after a very heavy landing in bad weather at Heathrow on October 1, 1956. It had undertaken a flight to Australia and New Zealand and is seen here on its return via Darwin. The crash was controversial because AVM Harry Broadhurst, who was onboard, overruled orders to divert. Broadhurst and the pilot ejected from the crippled jet leaving the rest of the crew to perish. Photo from: Library and Archives NT
Registration / Serial:XA897
Aircraft Version:Avro 698 Vulcan B.1
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Darwin (YPDN / DRW)Map
Region / Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Darwin (YPDN / DRW)Map
Region / Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:604699Submit Correction
View count: 602
XA897 crashed after a very heavy landing in bad weather at Heathrow on October 1, 1956. It had undertaken a flight to Australia and New Zealand and is seen here on its return via Darwin. The crash was controversial because AVM Harry Broadhurst, who was onboard, overruled orders to divert. Broadhurst and the pilot ejected from the crippled jet leaving the rest of the crew to perish. Photo from: Library and Archives NT
Registration / Serial:XA897
Aircraft Version:Avro 698 Vulcan B.1
C/n (msn):
Operator Titles:UK - Air Force
City / Airport:Darwin (YPDN / DRW)Map
Region / Country:Northern Territory, Australia
Photo Date:September 1956
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive