2 results found
City / Airport:Hollister - Municipal (HLI / CVH)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:24 January 2020
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
Photo ID:782431Submit Correction
View count: 37
The first Fairchild Model 45 flew in May 1935. The five seat business aircraft went into production with a more powerful Wright R-760 engine, 16 Model 45As being built.
Registration / Serial:N16878
Aircraft Version:Fairchild 45A
C/n (msn):4014
City / Airport:Hollister - Municipal (HLI / CVH)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:24 January 2020
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
City / Airport:Hollister - Municipal (HLI / CVH)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:24 January 2020
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
Photo ID:782431Submit Correction
View count: 37
The first Fairchild Model 45 flew in May 1935. The five seat business aircraft went into production with a more powerful Wright R-760 engine, 16 Model 45As being built.
Registration / Serial:N16878
Aircraft Version:Fairchild 45A
C/n (msn):4014
City / Airport:Hollister - Municipal (HLI / CVH)Map
Region / Country:California, United States
Photo Date:24 January 2020
Photo by:Gary VincentContact
City / Airport:Hagerstown - Regional / Richard A Henson Field (KHGR / HGR)Map
Region / Country:Maryland, United States
Photo Date:1936 to 1937
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:655128Submit Correction
View count: 524
The Fairchild 45 was a five-seat executive aircraft first flown in 1935. It was comfortable and easy to fly, yet only 16 F-45A series aircraft were built. One of these, NC16365, was sold to the US Navy as a JK-1. It was used by Rear Admiral King at Anacostia and later on the American west coast at North Island and Alameda. During WWII two more F-45As were impressed as JK-1s and two by the US Army as UC-88s. Fairchild took over Kreidner-Reisner Aircraft at Hagerstown in 1929. Fairchild moved there itself in 1931 and supposedly the Kreider-Reisner name disappeared in 1934. Photo from: Smithsonian Institution
Registration / Serial:0800
Aircraft Version:Fairchild JK-1
C/n (msn):4006
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Hagerstown - Regional / Richard A Henson Field (KHGR / HGR)Map
Region / Country:Maryland, United States
Photo Date:1936 to 1937
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
City / Airport:Hagerstown - Regional / Richard A Henson Field (KHGR / HGR)Map
Region / Country:Maryland, United States
Photo Date:1936 to 1937
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive
Photo ID:655128Submit Correction
View count: 524
The Fairchild 45 was a five-seat executive aircraft first flown in 1935. It was comfortable and easy to fly, yet only 16 F-45A series aircraft were built. One of these, NC16365, was sold to the US Navy as a JK-1. It was used by Rear Admiral King at Anacostia and later on the American west coast at North Island and Alameda. During WWII two more F-45As were impressed as JK-1s and two by the US Army as UC-88s. Fairchild took over Kreidner-Reisner Aircraft at Hagerstown in 1929. Fairchild moved there itself in 1931 and supposedly the Kreider-Reisner name disappeared in 1934. Photo from: Smithsonian Institution
Registration / Serial:0800
Aircraft Version:Fairchild JK-1
C/n (msn):4006
Operator Titles:USA - Navy
City / Airport:Hagerstown - Regional / Richard A Henson Field (KHGR / HGR)Map
Region / Country:Maryland, United States
Photo Date:1936 to 1937
Photo from:AirHistory.net Photo Archive