First flight March 1974. April 1st 1974 CCCP-65815 Aeroflot, Leningrad divsion. October 1992 RA-65815 rr Pulkovo. December 1994 broenn up at St Petersburg after 20 years in serivce. Aeroflot started SU635/636 LED-ARN-FBU and back each friday from1976, mostly Tu-134As until late in the 1990 when they put Tu154Bs on the route. Seen taxing out for a rwy 24 departure back to Leningrad via Arlanda. Background shows the GA aerea established in 1967 on the old rwy 05/23
This photo is copyright © Ole Johan Beck, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 1 May 2024, and has since been viewed 788 times.