City / Airport:Bundaberg (YBUD / BDB)Map
Region / Country:Queensland, Australia
Photo Date:1 August 2007
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:35716Submit Correction
View count: 177
Built May 1955 and registered in the USA as N3781B. Various owners until withdrawn at Van Nuys in 1987 and left derelict. Rescued in 1992 and passed through several hands until sold to Caroline Pacific Air, Pohnpei and registered V6-CAB in 1996. Resumed its US registration in 1998 and registered to an owner in Palau. However, shipped to Bundaberg in 1998, along with another Beech E18S which became VH-CII, and kept in open storage ever since. Registered VH-CIJ on 16 June 2000.
Registration / Serial:VH-CIJ
Aircraft Version:Beech E18S
C/n (msn):BA-81
City / Airport:Bundaberg (YBUD / BDB)Map
Region / Country:Queensland, Australia
Photo Date:1 August 2007
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
City / Airport:Bundaberg (YBUD / BDB)Map
Region / Country:Queensland, Australia
Photo Date:1 August 2007
Photo by:Phil VabreContact
Photo ID:35716Submit Correction
View count: 177
Built May 1955 and registered in the USA as N3781B. Various owners until withdrawn at Van Nuys in 1987 and left derelict. Rescued in 1992 and passed through several hands until sold to Caroline Pacific Air, Pohnpei and registered V6-CAB in 1996. Resumed its US registration in 1998 and registered to an owner in Palau. However, shipped to Bundaberg in 1998, along with another Beech E18S which became VH-CII, and kept in open storage ever since. Registered VH-CIJ on 16 June 2000.
Registration / Serial:VH-CIJ
Aircraft Version:Beech E18S
C/n (msn):BA-81
City / Airport:Bundaberg (YBUD / BDB)Map
Region / Country:Queensland, Australia
Photo Date:1 August 2007
Photo by:Phil VabreContact