First flight 12.September 1984 as N6018N at Everett. Delivered new as second B767 to Braathens SAFE two weeks later. It is seen this Friday in May 1985 ready to depart rwy 06 on scheduled domestic flight to Stavanger - Sola airport. 2.Spetember 1986 Returned to Boeing as N768BE, Later PP-VNM for Varig, ZK-NBD for Air New Zealand, DQ-FJA for Air Pacific and in the end of 1994 N651 TW for TWA. in 2000 converted to freighter, as N713AX for ABX Air and a N655GT for Atlas Air, (opf DHL in DHL colours).
This photo is copyright © Ole Johan Beck, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 3 September 2023, and has since been viewed 900 times.