First flight June 14th 1991 and to Braathens SAFE June 26th in SOMMERFLY edition. October 1991 repaintd to standard BU colours and named "Olav Den Hellige". March 23rd 1998 Braathens ASA tfd, and late 1998 repaintd to the new BU blue colours. 2001 updated to the final BU colours. April 1st 2005 SAS Braathens tfd. June 1st 2007 SASA Norge tfd. August 2007 repaintd to SAS Norge colours August 2009 WFU at OSL. August 11th-2010 EI-EOE European Aviation. May 2014 N737EX Dragon Air, July 2014 T7-CVG Edge Aerodynamics, Novembr 12th 2015 N972X Dragon Air, April 2019 Jettran. Seen to depart rwy 24
This photo is copyright © Ole Johan Beck, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 31 January 2025, and has since been viewed 19 times.