ff: May 15th 1980 at Renton. May 30th 1980 TF-FLI became the first new airliner to wear the new Icelandair (Flugleidir) colours when delivered new with natural metal underside. In 1984 it got grey underside, and was named "Fronfari". Repaced by B737-400s in 1989, October 1989 N329AS Alaska Airlines, January 1994 N780AT American Trans Air. October 16th 2001 wfu and stored at Roswell, and broken up in 2005. In 1980 Icelandair was one of the most exciting airlines to follow, with 727 ex FI and DC-8-63s ex LL, and then came this one, bright and new.
This photo is copyright © Ole Johan Beck, and may not be used or published in any way without permission.
It was added on 29 August 2023, and has since been viewed 890 times.