First flight January 4th 1968 as PH-FLW at Schipol. and deliverd to ATI January 24th 1968 as I-ATIN. March 26th 1974 I-ATIN Italian Air Force (leased), named "Castor". December 1985 ATI (retunred). February 5th 1986 SE-ITI July 12th 1990 PH-FLW Fokker (returned) ans converted to freigther. November 1990 OO-FEG opf Federal Express. April 4th 1992 N702FE Empire Airlines, opf Federal Express. WFU January 30th 2009. April 15th 2009 N19AQ rr. WFU October 31st 2013. Seen taxing for a rwy 24 departure for the SAS Comuter division